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Dernières notes publiées
écho de La Cachotterie n°4 : La Cachotterie en...
Ce matin du 11 novembre ... Le soleil caresse La Cachotterie... Le lieu en perspective : La Salle des Machines en haut... La Cachotterie en bas ... Lire la suite...
... écho n°2 de La Cachotterie ...
Depuis quelques jours, Un autre autre blog a été ouvert consacré à La Cachotterie ( http://lacachotterie-fredericlement.blogspirit.com/ ) Un blog consacré à ce nouveau lieu, pour l'instant en travaux : La Cachotterie Galerie d'arts minuscules q... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (12)
Cette traduction restera 30 jours sur "Instants cléments" puis sera supprimée après ce temps ... This translation will stay during only 30 days and will deleted after this time ... THE EXHAUSTED BOOK AND THE CHILD (temporaly title) translated by Jo... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (11)
THE BUSHED BOOK THE BUSHY BOOK THE BUSH-BOOK (temporarily titles) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. ... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (10)
THE BUSHED BOOK (temporarily title) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. Flying upon his eyelids, its shadow woke up the child, a ... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (9)
THE BUSHED BOOK (temporarily title) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. Flying upon his eyelids, its sh... Lire la suite...
Wellin : la chapellerie Herman fête ses 140 ans...
La chapellerie Herman fêtera cette année ses 140 ans d'existence : un petit exploit à l'heure actuelle. Fondée en 1874, c'est aujourd'hui la cinquième génération de Herman qui est à la tête de cette entreprise devenue internationale. Dans le contexte de cet anniversaire, ils vo... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (8)
THE BUSHED BOOK (temporarily title) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. Flying upon his eyelids, its shadow woke up th... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (7)
THE BUSHED BOOK (temporarily title) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. Flying upon his eyelids, its shadow woke up the child,... Lire la suite...
”Le Livre Épuisé” : English translation (6)
THE BUSHED BOOK (temporarily title) Shattered by storms, starched with salt and spray it plopped itself down at dawn like a bird of stone weary with travels, heavy wit h clouds. Flying upon his eyelids, its shadow woke up th... Lire la suite...