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[#Promiseconsulting] [#opinionlab] СООБЩЕНИЕ...
Скачать коммюнике на английском языке http://files.panelontheweb.com/client/DLclient.aspx?id=4791&alea=28528316&set=1 Получить доступ к слайдам в крупном формате: http://files.panelontheweb.com/client/DLclient.aspx?id=4785&alea=521647... Lire la suite...
[#Promiseconsulting] [#opinionlab] The...
PRESS RELEASE THE FRENCH-RUSSIAN RELATIONS: WHAT DO THE FRENCH THINK? At a time when the government of President Macron wishes a warming of relations between France and Russia, an exclusive survey to know the opinion of the French about their vast “neighbor.” Survey realized onlin... Lire la suite...
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