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View last updated posts Tag : museveni

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  • Has Yoweri Museveni Got away with Crimes...

    Today we see an aggressive PR machine trying to rehabilitate and market this hardcore criminal to society-like some saint. Yes, today if its not BBC,Aljazeera,etc. its the shameless greedy american establishment. We should not also forget the 3 Millions(US)$ being paid to an Irish gang by Uga... Read more ...

    Published on 10/01/2013 in Uganda

  • Arrest Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame

    o Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame, planed and funded for systematic murder of a group of people in Congo The AFDL/APR troops indiscriminately killed men, women and children. Most of the victims were Hutu Banyarwanda, but many Nande were also massacred at Buhimba. According to several ... Read more ...

    Published on 01/17/2011 in Uganda

  • Arrest Yoweri Museveni for War Crimes

    What happened to the hundreds of children that were in NRA(Now UPDF) and sent to Mubende. Where are all those children that In 2005, escaped or were captured or released from the LRA and pressured to join Yoweri Museveni's forces and fight the LRA. Where are they now? Why is Salim Saleh, a U... Read more ...

    Published on 10/27/2009 in Uganda

  • Cabinda's Road to Independence

    From the modern war in Angola, we know the confrontations between the Government troops and those of UNITA. However, the most deadly fights which are blood-staining the land of Angola are now being fought between people of Angola and of… Cabinda. For the first time a coverage team has been allowe... Read more ...

    Published on 05/07/2007 in Uganda

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