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Christmas in Japan
Can you believe Japanese celebrate Christmas? As you know, our people are predominantly Budhist. And even among Budhist, only a small portion of them practice it seriously. Most of our people are atheist. Unlike Europe and the U.S. Japan's Christmas is basically commericial event. Good... Read more ...
TV Mini-Series ”Roots” reminds me of Black...
I rented DVD of the old time TV Mini-Series "Roots." It was aired in 1977. The story is based on Alex Hailey's novel. He wrote the story of generations of his family going back to late 18th century when an African tribe boy, Kunta Kinte was born. Kunta Kinte was captured by slave merchants and t... Read more ...
How Japan should react to ”Comfort Women”...
Is Japan regressing to its pre-war condition? The past and present cause me very much to think so. Prime Minister Abe’s pronouncement that the “Imperial army’s comfort women were not coerced in the strict sense of the word” has shaken the American political world and media. Consequently, critic... Read more ...
1973 Film ”Two People”
The story of the film reflects Vietnam War Era. A deserter from Vietnam named Even Bonner played by Peter Fonda met with a famous fashion model in Marrakech, Morocco. Her name was Deidre Mcluskey played by Lindsay Wagner. Even decided to turn himself in to end his fugitive life. But he fell in... Read more ...
Again, Stupid Prime Minister
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is a successor of Junichiro Koizumi, again made an indefensible mistake. Just like Koizumi visited war-criminals graves. He says Japan wouldn't apologize for forcing women into sex slaves for soldiers during World War II. Currently US Congress is... Read more ...
Congressman Honda is doing the right thing!
Congressman Mike Honda speaks on legistlation urging Japan to apologize for war-era sexual slavery. There were once women called "Ianfu" meaning Comfort Women in Japanese. They were focibly taken to battlefield to be sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. The congressman is trying to let o... Read more ...
Short Novel: The Flight to Tokyo, Chapter 1
A story of a B-29 pilot who time-travels from the war-time Tokyo to present-time. At midnight of March 10, 1945, James Austin was flying over the enemy's capital, Tokyo. He was in US Air Force's bomber aircraft, B29. The mission was to bomb the city to give the enemy shock and owe. This is imp... Read more ...
Met with the survivors of Nanking Masscre
Yesterday I went to the meeting to hear the testimonies of Nanking Masscre survivors. Two people showed up and talked about their experience in ther villages near the former Chinese capitol, Nanking, December 1937. They are very old people. One of them is 85 year-old man, and the other is 77 yea... Read more ...
Japanese media's role in supporting atrocities...
60 years have passed after Japan’s surrender in World War II, the citizens of Japan are able to speak about how much pain and suffering that they experienced as a result of the war, yet we are unable to discuss how much pain and suffering that Japan caused the citizens of other ... Read more ...
Fucking Prime Minister Visits War Criminals'...
Prime Minister Koizumi is idiot. He is just making our country worse. He visited the controversial shrine which honours war criminals responsible for Japan's invasion of China. The shrine insists the war was just and liberated Asians from western imperialism. That is not true. The&... Read more ...